I am so thankful for every single one of these crazies!! Sarah and I met at a home school co-op. Our youngest babies were in the same class, that we got to teach in together for a little while. We bonded over my 3 favorite "B's", babies, business, and beaches!! Well it just snowballed from there! Soccer games, play dates, and marketing meetings in the Starbucks parking lot in between errands lol.
She told me sometime last year that they had an exchange student from Norway coming to stay with them for a year. Turns out that exchange student was close to the same age as one of my kids and both girls played soccer.
Kari was more than a perfect fit for this family. The way they interact with each other you would think they had been a family for years! While it hasn't yet been a year together, they are now and forever family! Sadly she leaves tomorrow. So this past weekend I asked if they would like to do family portraits before she goes. Everyone was onboard. Yay!!
This shoot was so incredibly fun! Usually I have to say some funny, witty things to make people smile or giggle. Not this time!! I just had to push the button. They were so silly, I almost couldn't even do that. Hodges family, I am blessed to call you all friend.
Kari, you are amazing, fun, hilarious and so very smart! I'm so glad to have met you! Hope I get to see you when you come back to visit! Safe travels!! You should make that face at strangers and record their reactions!!
Sarah, stop crying!