The best kind of glitter is digital glitter. Because after I craft something with it, it's not all over my house and in my ears. And it goes exactly where I want it too, and STAYS there!! Can I get an Amen!!!

The best kind of glitter is digital glitter. Because after I craft something with it, it's not all over my house and in my ears. And it goes exactly where I want it too, and STAYS there!! Can I get an Amen!!!
Because I love to create. I have a huge list of more things like this I want to do. I am going to be playing Photoshop Fairy Godmother. Asking children and adults who or what they want to be, and making it happen. I want to try to do a mermaid, maybe Cinderella (just because I love to play with sparkles).
I really should do this every week. On my way to soccer practice last night I took out my idea journal and sketched this out (nope, not gonna show you my terrible stick figure sketches). When we got there Isaac went one way to practice and we went on the other side of the parking lot to take a few shots. I spent this morning mashing it all up just the way I wanted it. Sometimes I get an image in my head and I just can't rest until I have created it. There is an image haunting me now, but until I can get someone to wear clown makeup just the way I see it in my head I will continue to be haunted.
Oh how I love to composite! I could do this kind of work all day everyday. Where the only limit is my imagination. Let me tell you how these images came to be. I am in a couple of composite groups on Facebook. A member in one of those groups posted a link to a site that had a composite contest ( I haven't done a composite in a while and needed to practice. So I worked on this first image for a day, making sure to follow all the rules (it was the last day of the contest) and submitted in time.
The contest ended up not being a contest that week after all, and that's ok. I wasn't in it for any prize or anything. It was fun and I got to practice some Photoshop skills. I learned that there are a few tricks I have forgotten how to do because I haven't used them in a while. This image was last weeks submission. I thought it would be interesting to put a pregnant woman (A.K.A. my best friend and one of my favorite models Shannon) in a bottle, in a storm.
Bottle by KarahRobinson-Art at deviantart. Ship by fuguestock at deviant art.
For the image this week I decided to use my other favorite model. 🙂 My little fairy baby is just a cuteness overload.
Dragonfly found at
Can't wait to see what next weeks theme is!!
For my own entertainment I have started sketching ideas for some things I wanted to shoot. I have done a few of them. And I am really surprised at how close my final images are to my original sketches. It's so much fun. I just have to share. Can you tell me what this image says to you? If you can read in this image what I am trying to express I might get brave enough to show you my stick figure sketch. LOL that would be for your entertainment, they are awful! I will also share more sketch and final product posts.
Lusby MD
Daily: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday: Closed
Copyright 2018 SARAH LYNN PHOTOGRAPHER All Rights Reserved